30045 Eagle Crest Road Milton, DE 19968 (302) 645-9464


"Investing in the Future...

Supporting Our Community & Creating Jobs"



on Tuesday, 09 December 2014. Posted in Editorials by Christian Hudson

Christian Hudson

People of all stripes and persuasions are looking for a “white knight” to come and rescue our society from a long list of ills. Liberals are looking for another JFK, while Conservatives are looking for another Ronald Reagan.

The Cost of Regulations: the Loss of a Middle Class

on Tuesday, 12 August 2014. Posted in Editorials by Christian Hudson

Christian Hudson

Picture yourself as that guy or gal that has always dreamed of owning your own business. Let’s say it is a bakery, and you have worked 10 or 15 years with the dream to save up enough money to open your own bakery. Let’s make this easy on you and assume that you had a rich uncle pass away and he left you a nice 1.5 acre corner property at a busy intersection. No mortgage, you own the land free and clear, you inherited it.

A Modest Proposal: Why Pay Taxes?

on Tuesday, 12 August 2014. Posted in Editorials by Christian Hudson

Christian Hudson

The federal government is in debt, to the tune of over $16 Trillion. The Federal Reserve continues to loan an additional $75 Billion every month to the United States Treasury. Nobel Prize winning economist Paul Krugman, and previous Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner have told the public “the National Debt doesn’t matter.”